
Additions to the Public Fountain of Pope Julius

It is clear from the description of the artist, the fountain was significantly changed with the addition of the second level. Three statues and the two obelisks were removed, and the two statues on the sides were also removed from the side nices. The coat of arms was moved to the tympan, a Latin inscription took its place. The inscription stated “In the jubilee year of 1750 (when Monsignor Pietro Petroni was the Minister for Water), Fabrizio Colonna dedicated this plaque to Benedict XIV because he had diverted the Aqua Vergine to the nearby road on the suburban properties of the Colonna family, reinstating the water supply that had been interrupted, and because he [Pope Benedict] had granted to the Colonna family’s town houses a two ounce flow of water to be taken from the Trevi basin in place of the small amount supplied for public use."

Although this inscription seems to resemble the riddles of the oracles, but a document by Pope Benedict XIV explains the inscription.  In a letter he says, “We express our pleasure to Prince Fabrizio Colonna and, having heard that in the house in which he lives [maybe near the Santi Apostoli church] there is no Aqua Vergine, we wish him to benefit from our benevolence and hereby order you [Monsignor Petroni] to grant and provide to him and to his heirs and successors, free and without payment, a two ounce flow of water from the Aqueduct of the Trevi Fountain…". The property, and the fountain, of Pope Julius become the property of the Colonna family, when the pope gave his vigna to his sister as a wedding present.