
Beautify Your Terrace

If your setting has a terrace, creating the perfect look is important. You should consider adding an outdoor electrical outlet to the terrace. This comes in handy for lighting, music, fountains and other practical features.  Terraces also look great with shade, adding a lattice roof will help to blend the indoor and outdoor, making the terrace an extension of the home.

Grape vines are a good choice for this lattice roof, they provides shade, provide delicious fruit and fragrance, and will lose their leaves when the cooler weather moves in so the terrace is open and matches the environment. You can consider hyacinths or a gourd vine as well, these make great options too.

The terrace, to make it blend with both the grounds and the home, should incorporate aspects from both. Adding planted container that features plants and flowers from your garden is a great way to continue the theme of the garden to the terrace. Potted plants will also help to soften the line made by buildings. Adding different levels helps to create interest; you can build lower and upper flower beds around the terrace, trees, or other features.

If the terrace is a place to be enjoyed by the whole family, consider adding a feature like a small pool or a sand box for the children to play in. These features can be filled in once they are no longer needed. These are precious memories that will stay with you for years to come. Shading a terrace does not need to rely only on trees. A self bracing terrace roof in the shape of an egg crate is a great way to add shade to your setting. Corrugated plastic and reinforced glass is commonly used because they allow light in as well as keep water out.

The parasol roof is becoming a much more popular roof style. This is a great architectural use, especially in hot climates. This roof will extend from the roof about four feet, creating wonderful shade. The glare from the sun can hurt a setting, as well as create heat, consider a carpet of shaded grass under the roof, this will keep everything cool.

An outdoor living space is much more useful if it can be easily accessed. Turn a living room window into a French door so it’s like walking from one room to another. A terrace that becomes an extension to a porch is a livable and easily accessible location.
If the terrace is located away from the house, try adding a flagstone pathway, this will increase the usefulness of the terrace as well.
Hard flooring is a great option for an outdoor room, whether made of brick, crushed rock, wood, or cement. This allows furniture to be moved easily, and negates the worry of grass being trampled over and destroyed. In fact, placing a terrace in an area where the grass has trouble growing, is a great place.

An outdoor shelter is also most useful when it is located away from the noisy streets, traffic, or wind. You can use a location in an unused corner of the house or the garage. By using a fence you can crate a sun trap that can be used all year long. When choosing a fence, there are many options to consider. A basket weave fence, a traditional brick wall, or a board fence are all great ideas.  They also create pleasant backdrops for planting and provide screening for wind!