
Bringing Feng Shui into the Garden

Defined as the balance of elements coming together in our personal as well as professional environments, Feng Shui looks at how energy moves around your world. This energy is called Chi. There are many factors that can affect Feng Shui. From the actual physical location of your home and how it is positioned, to the surroundings as a whole. Feng Shui effects your life every moment.

When looking at Feng Shui it is important to not only align the inside of your home properly, but also the elements in your garden. The shape of the land on which you live and the compass directions of each room in the house and entrances can affect your Feng Shui. Gardens a good choice when considering your Feng Shui because they are thought to create a neutral air before bad can enter into your home. The concept behind Feng Shui is to balance Yin and Yang with reference to the five main elements.

There are five main elements on Feng Shui: Wood, Earth, Metal, Fire, and Water. When it comes to gardening, Wood is arguably just about everything you would find in a garden. From trees to plants and fences, Wood is one element you should have no trouble including in your garden. This element symbolizes creativity as well as growth. The fire element symbolizes drive and inspiration. One way you could add fire into your garden is by adding red flowers or a ceramic red planter as an accent piece. Earth symbolizes a general feeling of being centered and grounded. By adding square containers or planters, you can bring the earth element into your garden. Adding a sense of clarity can be done by adding the element of metal. Adding an iron or copper weathervane or sun dial would bring metal to Feng Shui. The last element, water, can easily be brought into the garden by adding a water feature such as a fountain. This element will bring you inspiration and a sense of calming.

The Feng Shui expression, "Keep your Attentions on your Intentions" is a very important motto to consider if you are looking to create a Feng Shui Garden. Placing your garden accents as well as indoor furniture in strategic places can help you focus on the important things in life. The five elements will change and overcome one another in a repeating cycle, following the full cycle of life known as fire burning wood, leaving ash which then becomes earth and gives us metals and minerals and metals melt to flow as water. The combination of the two will provide a positive environment for all elements.