
Epiphyllym Family of Flowers

Epiphyllum Family

The epiphyllum family is best recognized as a branch of the cactus family distinguished by flat shoots and leaves with no spines. Here is a list of the best varieties:
E. Akermanni: Fine scarlet flower.
E. Jenkinsonii.: Fine scarlet flower.
E. Speciosum: Rosy pink flower.
E. Alatum: White flower.
E. Truncatum: and its varieties, with scarlet, rosy, red, violet, and
white flowers.

These are all dropping vairietes, and to create an advantage, should be grafted onto some of the tall growing Cereua relations.

Hydrangea is only a summer blooming plant, but a favorite summer feature none-the-less. It needs shade for it to successfully thrive, when grown in the sun it can become brown and grow poorly. It must be grown in a tub, and should be wintered in a cellar if possible. The flowers grow on shoots of the previous year. It must be well grown for it to flower and the flowers on a young plant will be larger than a plant that is 3-4 years old.

These plants need a good supply of water. The soil should be a combination of one part loam, one part manure,  and one part peat. The flower color is normally pink, but when iron mixes with the earth, it can turn a stunning blue.

There are also varieties that form a blue and white flower, called the H. Japonica.

This is often referred to as the African lily, a wonderful summer blooming plant, introduced in Europe at the end of the 17th century. It was a greenhouse plant and is known for being resilient in the south of England and Ireland, if protected from the harsh frosts. As a plant, they are simple to grow, and in areas with winters, it is best to place them in big tubs or pots to keep them safe from frost.

The soil should be two parts loam, one part manure, and one part leaf mould. It can create some ill-usage if not grown correctly, and should be grown as a calla lily is grown, and should be planted in a tub to create a good plant.

In the winter, the lily should be kept dry in a light cellar, and needs to be watered occasionally. There is a white variety, and one with variegated foliage; both desirable; a native of the Cape of Good Hope.

The Oleander is a showy and stunning plant but it is often neglected. This plant is native to Morocco and Portugal, as well as eastward through the Mediterranean region and southern Asia to Yunnan and even parts of China.

Oleander’s bloom in July normally, but sometimes a bloom can be produced at other times. They will flower when they are small, but will grow to a height of ten to fifteen feet, creating stunning trees, covered with  rose, white or variegated flowers.

The soil needs to be two parts loam, two parts peat, and one part well rotted manure. The plants should be washed frequently, as they are prone to white scale. Winter them through in a light cellar, with light watering during this time. During their growing season, be sure to water abundantly.

The varieties  of this flower includes double rose (Nerium oleander splendens), striata, pleno, with double striped flowers, purpurea, dark red, and as many as fifty named varieties, all ideal window plants.