
Flowers for Winter

During the winter months the landscape can seem rather bleak and dull. There is a limited variety of flowers that can be planted for bloom in the winter, as compared with the warmer seasons. It is possible to plant flowers that will add color to the winter landscapes. By carefully selecting some specific types of plants you can enjoy flowers evening during the winter when the cold snow is covering the ground. 

One lovely winter blooming shrub is the witch hazel. This is shrub that will grow between 12-20 inches tall. Their blooms are stunning, appearing in late fall and into the winter. The blooms are magical, as they show up on seemingly barren branches. This plant will also make a lovely feature during the spring and summer months as well. The Japanese pieris, also known as Andromeda, is another great flower for the wintertime. This is an evergreen shrub with broad leaves. There are winter flowers that bloom that create a necklace like bloom of little gems. The blooms come in gems of reds, whites, and pinks. These blooms create a dramatic contrast to the green foliage of the plant. Furthermore, these little gems add color and beauty to the stark winter landscape! 

Hellebores are another great winter bloom. Often referred to as Christmas roses, these flowers will begin blooming in mid to late winter. The foliage of this plant is a dark green color that will last all through the winter season. The blooms are a bold colorful display, coming in maroon, pink, white, or reddish hues. These plants also do well in the shade, making them a wonderful choice for those shady spots where nothing wants to grow. These plants are also deer-resistant, so they will keep their blooms without worrying about them being eaten. 

There is a stunning bright star-like flower that blooms late in the winter. This flower is often called the glory-of-the-snow. The flower naturalizes in the lawn creating a wide sweep of color. You should wait 6 weeks after they bloom before you mow the lawn, as this will allow it to bloom the next year as well. Winter Jasmine is a great choice for a winter garden as well. It will add delightful dimension to your setting, as it is a climber. It blooms with a beautiful yellow flower late into winter. It can be trained to climb a trellis or garden wall, creating a massive grouping of foliage intermixed with pretty flowers! 

The Reticulate Iris is a stunning winter flower. The perfect brightness of the blue flower is the last of the winter flowers to bloom, usually appearing early in spring amidst the last of the snow. This flower will bloom for about three weeks, and is perfect to plant with snowdrops or early crocuses to create a viewpoint that cannot be missed. Lastly, a stunning choice, the Winter Camellias, will bring a beautiful pop of color to your winter garden. These flowers come in bright pinks and reds with a yellow stamen. The winter camellia is a willowy upright plant that can grow 4-12 feet tall. 

Winter does not need to be bereft of beautiful blooms, just because the cold temperatures and snow moves in. These choices of flowers keep your garden setting full of color even I the worst of climates. These plants will work well during the other months as well, making them the perfect garden accessories!