
Growing Your Own Herb Garden

Herbs are a wonderful and popular indoor and outdoor group of plants to grow. Herbs can be used for so many things, and five off wonderful fragrances. Herbs also have medicinal influences, and can simply be used to make a stunning focal point in a planter. When it comes to planting herbs, the soil is important.

Herbs need rich and fertile soil to thrive. Often the soil conditions will need to be improved in order to make it suitable for herbs. There are some simple techniques you can use to change your soil and make it suitable for growing herbs. A good soil is 50% soil and 50% porous space. This pace allows for water and air. Adding compost to your soil will help it to thrive, organic matter is usually best. Mix the organic matter into the soil that will be used for planting the herbs. You may also want to consider having the soil tested for nutrients. This test will let you know if your soil is acidic or alkaline. Once you know the pH of your soil, you can determine what needs to be done to fix your soil condition. Most vegetable plants need to be between a 5.5-7.5.

Consult with a nursery if your levels are not in this range to find out what elements need added to your soil to allow you to grow hearty herbs. Once the soil has been improved you can begin to grow your herbs. It may take a full year to notice a difference in the soil. Take time to work with the soil, keep it fertilized and recycled, to give your herbs the best chance. Culinary herbs are the most popular to grow. Herbs like rosemary, basil, thyme, lemon grass, oregano, and marjoram and just a few of the herbs that are useful in cooking. The first step to planting an herb garden is planning an herb garden. Create a plan for your herb garden so you know in advanced what space you have to work with, what kind of light is offered, and how to plant.

Decided if you want in indoor small container garden or an outdoor herb garden. Herbs can also be grown for decorative purposes. Herbs need relatively little care so long as the soil has been properly prepared. Growing herbs usually begins with one type, like parsley or dill. Overtime, as one is successful gardeners begin to try more herbs in their gardens. Consider what herbs you want to plant. If you are growing them for cooking reasons, consider basil, parsley, and oregano. For fragrance consider lemon grass and lavender. You can also plant herbs as decoration in or places where you need ground cover; Thyme is a great choice for planting between rocks in a walkway. You can create a formal herb garden in unique patterns like knots. You can also add herbs to a vegetable garden as well, planting them in rows just as you would other vegetables. You can plant specific herbs in containers and grow them on a deck, or pick small containers and have an herb garden inside as well. Herbs can be grown in so many different ways, patterns, and places.

The ultimate key in growing herbs is proper soil. Herbs need little care to thrive so just make sure they have proper nutrients in the soil to give them a good start. From here, the possibilities are endless. Enjoy the wonderful tastes and fragrances, along with beauty these plants will add to your setting.