
Health Adversaries for Goldfish

Goldfish Enemies
Although none of the diseases or parasites that affect goldfish can affect humans, you still need to be hygienic when you are handling goldfish, so you can stop the passing of diseases from one fish to another. Even though there are a lot of diseases that can affect your fish, most likely your fish will never experience this.  It is always best to prevent disease. As long as you keep your goldfish healty and in good shape, your fish will be less likely to develop problems later.

Keep Your Fish Healthy
If you keep your fish in good condition you can avoid problems. In order to keep your fish healthy you need to:
1. Always observe advice regarding the size of container, temperature of water and feeding of fish.
2. Sterilize all plants before introducing them into the water.
3. Before adding new goldfish to a pond or aquarium, sterilize them in potassium permanganate and water for two hours. Use 1/8 grain per gallon of water.
4. Watch for dropping dorsal fins, sluggish movement, congested fins and excrement containing slime or bubbles. If there is a problem then isolate the fish immediately and treat according to their symptoms.
5. Sterilize all equipment and containers you use to put the fish in or handle the fish with.

Ailments and Diseases
It may seem like fish have diseases due to their odd formations, but the only two disorders that are caused by cramped body formations are constipation and swimming bladder trouble. If your fish’s fecal matter appears slimy or contains bubbles, then it is not normal, especially if it is accompanied with sluggish behavior. Constipation is often caused by overfeeding, try placing a pinch of Epsom salt in the water or scrambled eggs. Reduce the level of foods you feed them.

Dropsy is a condition that is more prevalent than constipation. This is a condition that affects tropical breeds mainly, but it is a serious condition. You will notice your fish’s body swelling and the fins will stick out. There is not a known cure, but it is very rare, so there is little to worry about.

Fin congestion is a common problem, more so in the fancier breeds. The fins and tails of the fish will become bloodshot and may even split or fray in extreme instances. This condition is typically caused by overfeeding or shock. A salt water treatment for a few days is best for this, or uses potassium permanganate solution. Make sure not to feed your fish during the treatments.

Other conditions you should be aware of:

  • Gill congestion
  • Gill fever
  • Tail congestion
  • Swimming bladder trouble
  • Tail rot
  • Tuberculosis