
How to Plan with Skill

Haphazardly-made gardens hardly ever amount to anything but disappointment.  However, so many small gardens are created in this manner.  Many gardens are planned to a common type.

The outlines of these gardens are all the same, even when some are well kept and others neglected. The “garden” is usually created by the builder’s foreman, whose skill in gardening can hardly rank high in this particular department. 

Sometimes even when the gardener takes pains to create a garden to suit his own view on how it should look, he finds the garden full of mistakes due to the hastiness and lack of knowledge and attention to essential details. 

The most common error is to ignore aspect and symmetry, which is not consistent with planning for the best possible arrangement for growing flowers in a limited plot size. 

Another common mistake is over elaboration, destroying the overall effect.  The idea is not to point out all of the shortcomings of the suburban garden, but rather to make them stand out and explain the principles of properly planning a garden. When creating a garden, the incorporation of a simple garden fountain will add a stunning focal point. 

Limited sized gardens, especially, will benefit from skillful planning. This will ensure you make the most of the space you have available. 

The focus on symmetry seems to stand out very strongly in modern garden planning. Grass and gravel take over the places best suited for flowers, while a long stretch of border will hold a few starved plants, which proves that nature will not answer our demands of equal-sidedness. 

Sunshine is the main ingredient to healthy and thriving vegetables and flowers.  Therefore, when planning a garden it is necessary to observe which part are in the sunshine and which parts lurk in shade. The north side of a house or wall, in northern latitudes, receives no light, and permanent shadows could be cast by tall trees or neighboring buildings. 

Think of the shadows as rocks, they should be avoided and given wide berth unless they can be moved.