
Maintaining Your Lawn

When it comes to your garden setting, taking care of the lawn is important. Maintaining and fertilizing your lawn keeps it in top form, which is of great importance for your setting.

The best way to fertilize your lawn is to use an organic or inorganic fertilizer that is mixed into water and evenly spread over the lawn. This is great for quick absorption and even distribution.  You could also use a spreader or apply it by hand, and then spray over it with a hose.

If you are just beginning to grow a lawn, and working up the soil to good condition, apply the fertilizer before you till the land. This will help to work it in evenly. You may need to incorporate lime into your mixture in order to combat acidic soil. Try using pulverized limestone, as this allows you to not use too much.

Seed selection is completely dependent upon the environmental conditions of your area.  It depends upon the sun and shade in your area. Most basic commercial blends work in both sun and medium sun. It may be beneficial to use a special blend when there is less than 3-4 hours of sunlight present. Places like these include under trees, or in places where the soil is poor and dry.

A heavy grass seed is free from chaff, making it economical but the lighter seed also germinate less quickly. The best lawn grass is Kentucky bluegrass. However, there are years where this grass is in short demand. This is a disadvantage because this grass does need a resting period in midsummer. This grass can cause light colored clothes to soil as well.  The advantages are that it grows well in most all soil conditions, forming a thick turf that is able to resist weeds.

For smaller garden settings, bent grasses are the best. Colonial bent is the most popular to use in mixtures, as it can thrive in even unfavorable conditions. Bent grasses are low growing grasses, the spread very quickly, and will need to be mowed frequently.
Combining Redtop and Kentucky bluegrass is a great idea. The redtop is active while the bluegrass is resting, it also will not stain. Fescues are great options for shade. They mature late in the season, resist drought, and work well in acidic soils.

Rye grass is a good option for new lawns. This grass is tough, grows quickly, and helps to prevent weeds as the lawn is growing.

For the South and Southwest, consider planting Bermuda grass, as it does well in sandy soil. Sometimes growing clover is a beneficial feature as well. It features a nice white flower, and can sometimes take over a turf, creating disunity, but it is great for areas where grass does not grow in poor soil.

Using a mixture of grasses is a good idea, as this is better than one single type. This allows for stronger grasses to grow well in case other types do not do well or grow as strong and hearty. Mixtures will also stand up against disease better as well.