
Plant Positioning in the Garden

When positioning your plants in a garden setting, it often requires an inventive mind to make new arrangements. Adding trees and shrubs are a great addition, and over time, as they mature, they will add to the overall beauty of the scene. If you plant a single plant alone, away from any other plants, it needs to be perfect. This becomes a focal point when planted alone, so it needs to be of greater beauty than other plants. If you have a larger yard, then you have a greater opportunity to plant more trees and shrubs. 

You need to use your own judgment when picking out these plants. Plants should be placed where they will be noticed and where you can check on them. Plants, when placed this way, will be visible for all to enjoy and view. These places should become home to especially beautifully plants. Rare plants should be given the spotlight, but these plants should not be deformed or ugly. Which parts of the garden are considered backgrounds? Which areas are considered the foreground? Some object will actually be in both the foreground and the background. A tree for example is large, so it will be seen for all vantage points. 

If the planting stands at the back of the setting, between the home and the street, it is normally considered to be the background. If it stands along a garden pathway or in front of a window, this would be the foreground. However there is a middle ground, because the view really depends on the opinion of the viewer. Plants create stunning focal points by placing them in a planter as well. Planters are often beautiful totally on their own, and there are so many different combinations that can be used. Consider the style you want to create; some plants look good with certain containers, while others do not. 

For the background, use the trees that you cannot use up close. Rough and irregular trees can look abd in the foreground, so using them in the background is a good idea. When placed away, at a further distance, their appearance is softened and looks much gentler. Trees with vibrant colors will also appear softened in this placement too. The background must also blend with the overall theme of the garden setting. If you want the skyline to have a bristling look, then planting smooth and rounded trees will not accomplish that. This same rule applies to color. The background needs to be darker than the plants in front. This rule is flexible though; otherwise it would force all dark colored species out of the fore and middle-ground.

Plants that are in the foreground are important, and should be in top position, especially because these flowers are most open to critique. Flowering shrubs and herbaceous plants are a safe choice for these spots. Plants in the foreground should be small, but it is nice to also have a large tree to provide shade as well. 

For the middle ground, consider adding medium sized trees and large shrubs. Using trees like the buckeyes, altheas, lilacs, and the interesting koelreuteria are good options. The middle-ground provides a great opportunity for the exhibition of tree specimen. If you want to show the form of a tree, it can be put far back in the middle-ground. If you're showing the beautiful foliage, move it closer to the middle-ground.