
Slope Landscape Dilemas

There are plants that become hardier based on being planted in their optimum locations. Spreading Junipers and Mugho Pine grow well in shaded and cold regions. Gardenia radicans, Jasminum floridum, and Hypericum do very well in warmer regions. To grow in a sloping area, the plant must be dense growing. These hardy and dense plants will make a wonderful tool for covering up unattractive features like a garage left open.

If you have a sloping landscape the main issues are the difficulty in grown grass, controlling the fast-flowing water, and soil erosion. Water will move soil on even the smallest of slopes. A planted slope will not be totally free from erosion unless the covering is adequate from the steepness of the slope. Use a denser thicker grass, as thin grass will not prevent soil erosion and washing away.

The steepness of your slope is referred to as the percentage of slope.  You calculate the percentage s you calculate interest on a dollar. If you have a ten per cent slope in means the slope has a rise of 10 feet for every 100 feet of run, or 1 feet in 10, meaning every 10 feet along a horizontal line the grade will rise one foot.  A ten percent grade is an easy grade, meaning you can maintain grass rather easily.  If your grade is at 20-25 percent, the ease in maintaining your grass and plants becomes more difficult. Slopes need to be properly maintained in order to keep plant growth and keep water from building up speed.

If your area is a slope, and not flat it can be very difficult to maintain a flower or vegetable garden if the proper means are not taken. You can combat the slope by building retaining walls across the slope at intervals. This method is rather costly, but it is the most effective and efficient way to prevent the loss of cultivated soil. You can create level areas without the use of walls, with the level end against the bank of the slope. If the slope if not high you can plant the bank in grass, otherwise use closely planted shrubs.

If the bank is steep, you can use logs, laid at intervals of five or more feet across the slope, and held in place with stakes driven into the bank vertically. Plant massed shrubs or evergreen In the spaces between the logs.

A retaining wall should be planted on the downhill side of the house on a slope, and sometimes by the builder as part of the house construction, especially if the garage is located on that side under the house. If the garage is elsewhere, the owner is usually faced with the task of building a retaining wall.

A wall near the house is a good idea, though costly, as it will add livability to both the home and the outdoors. A level are is very desirable, especially if the grade drops away abruptly and you have a door at the ground level. This will also scale down the house, and provide an area for planting. Your retaining wall here needs to be dry wall. This area should be made to be planted, so you can set the plants between the stones.