
The Flow of Water in the Trevi Fountain

During the middle ages, there were many invasions that took place; the siege conducted by Vitige was actually the first in a series of interruptions that harmed the Aqua Vergine, along with other aqueducts. The Aqua Vergine, however, was the easiest to repair as well as the cheapest, because it was the shortest water path. This aqueduct was restored many, many times throughout history, beginning with Hadrian I. There were many significant hydraulic operations that took place, or were at least proposed during the reign of Paul III, and most would not occur until the time of Pius IV. These innovations help to explain the name “Trevi”, which was applied to both the aqueduct and the fountain. 

In 1535 there was a large sum of money proposed to bring water for the fountain of Salone, also known as the Trevi, as a preparation for the visit from the Emperor Charles V. Paul III chose to spend the finds on triumphal arches, statuary, and impressive buildings as well as restoring older fountains that were located around the city. Pius IV, Medici, also made attempts to bring more water to the Trevi. The idea was to raise the water level by using local pools, springs, and ponds discovered in the area of Salone, adjacent to the previous water source. In May of 1561, the Capitoal eleced a committee to see “if the water from Salone can be brought to Rome and to the ‘Treio’ fountain; and whether the water can be brought by the same route that the Chamber indicated to Master Antonio [Trevisi] in the clauses [relating to] the conduit, and if it would pass along that route”.