
The Great Features of Peterhof Palace

The Peterhof Palace was the summer estate of the Russia’s Peter the Great. This estate encompasses complex and intricate gardens, buildings, fountains, and galleries.

Overlooking the Baltic Sea, Peterhof underwent many modifications, changing dramatically from Peter the Great’s more modest original design. The highlight of Peterhof is that it features the largest network of gravity-fed water fountains. World War II wreaked havoc on the grounds, but was rebuilt and restored and is now designated as a World Heritage Site, and is a popular tourist site!

The construction of Peterhof and St. Petersburg began with the stone masons of St. Petersburg being forbidden to construct anything else, and focus only on the construction of St. Petersburg, Peter the Great’s moniker for the modern and beautiful city he would create. 

The site for Peterhof was chosen because it was located on a cliff, allowing both the city and the sea to be seen. Peter the Great would be able to see all incoming and outgoing traffic from this location. This vacation spot was intended for the entire court. 

Peterhof features many amazing characteristics, but one of the more noticeable are the cliffs that separate the lower and upper gardens. The Lower gardens were Peter the Greats favorite location, featuring beautiful gardens, and his favorite “trick” fountains, that would soak guests as they approached.