
Understand Garden Pests is the Key to Controlling Them

When it comes to creating a beautiful garden setting, garden pests have a way of turning beautiful flowers and greens into ugly and damaged plants. This, then, creates a dismal and depressing scene that certainly is not enjoyable. By learning what certain pests look like or do, will help you to know how to deal with the pest. This article will bring to let the characteristics, types, and how to prevent or control the most popular types of pests. 

Aphids are one of the most popular types of pests that attack plants. These are tiny pear-shaped insects with long antennae and two tubes projecting from the abdomen. They are found attacking plants like fruits and vegetables, flowers, and ornamental plants, and shade trees. They are found all throughout North America. Aphids damage plants through sucking the sap from the plant. The loss of sap causes the leaves to drop, as well as causing mold growth creating diseases for the plants. To control these insects, wash off the plants with strong water spray and encourage natural predators of the aphid to thrive if possible. You can hot pepper or garlic repellent sprays as well. If the plants are severely under attack use an insecticidal soap or horticultural oil. 

The Cabbage maggot attacks any plant within the cabbage family, and can ruin an entire season’s crop. They are found throughout North America, and destroy the crop by tunneling in the roots, thus either automatically killing the plants, or allowing disease to enter the plants. Floating row covers, setting out transplants, through slits in tar paper, or adding parasitic nematodes around the roots. You could also add wood ashes or hot pepper dust around the stems. 

Caterpillars come in a variety of species and many of them are detrimental to your plants. These larvae are distinct featuring a soft segmented body, and attack fruits, vegetables, and trees. They chew on leaves, tunnel into fruits, and generally damage plants with their droppings. These insects can be removed by hand, with safe insecticides, or by fostering the growth of their natural predators.

Cutworms are another species that can damage your plants. These insects are usually fat, one-inch long, and gray or black in color, and they are most active at night. They attack early vegetables and flower seedlings. These worms will chew threw the stems at ground level, even devouring small plants, destroying early growth. These can be combated by planting later in the season, handpicking htem off, or using cutworm collars, which can be made from paper cups used around the seedling when planted. 

The potato beetle is another popular garden pest. These yellow-orange pests feature black stripes and spots. They attack vegetables like tomatoes, potatoes, and flowers like petunias. They can kill young plants, eat all the foliage off other plants, and cause the harvest to be minimal. These insects can be hand removed, treated with plant-safe sprays, as well as fostering the care of natural predators. The Japanese beetles are a major pest in North America. These are a metallic blue color with bronze wings. They will attack a variety of plants and flowers. They will skeletonize the leaves on the plants, and the larvae will feed on the roots of plants. The beetles can be shaken from the plants, or sprayed with the proper insecticide. 

These are some of the typical garden pests, although there are many more types. These helpful hints should help keep your garden pest free, and help your plants and flowers to live long and healthy lives!