
Using Aquatics to Spruce up Water Lily Pools

Aquatic Accessories:

Plants and Fish:
Even though plants and fish can survive without the other, they will not thrive without the proper balance. It is crucial to pick plants and fish that are right for your water lily pond.

If you are new to water lily gardening, it is best to consult with an expert when choosing aquatic life for your pool. Explain to the dealer your pool size, and they can suggest a well balanced selection of plants and fish.
After you have tended to your garden for several years, you will add your own ideas. You have the experience to make your own decisions about what to add depending on your own personal taste.

Available Items:
There are many different varieties of water plants available; although it is best to begin with those easily purchased at major dealers. Rare plants are more difficult to grow as well as find. The plants we have listed are common to the whole country and will thrive wherever you are! These plants will oxygenate the water, in turn, keeping fish thriving! These plants are called oxygenators, and the three basic types are submerged aquatics, floating aquatics, and border plants.

Submerged Aquatics:
Submerged plants do not need to be planted, and can simply be dropped into the pond. Before you drop them, you will want to twist some wire around the stems to serve as a ballast to hold the stalks upright. The stems will grow faster id they are placed in a pot with heavy loam. A pot of 4-5 inches can house 6 plants. Some varieties will grow better in a box filled with loam and placed on the pool floor.  
Popular Submerged Plants:

  • Anacharis (Elodea canadensis)
  • Cahomba -- Also known as Washington Grass, Fanwort, Water Shield
  • Ludwigia -- Also called Swamp Loosestrife
  • Mare's Tail (Hippuris vulgaris)
  • Myriophyllum -- Also called Water-Milfoil
  • Sagittaria
  • Vallisneria spiralis -- Also known as Channel-Grass, Eel-Grass, Tape Grass. Probably the best oxygenator around.

This list is basically all perennials, which are great, because they really need to be replaced, making them cost effective!