
Using Color in The Garden Can Help A Dull Garden

A garden setting that is full of bright and beautiful colors creates so much more than just a pretty setting. The addition of color to a garden helps to add to a theme, add style, and create a natural flow for a garden setting. Adding color is also a good idea for a garden setting because it has the power to make small space look bigger than they actually are, or vice versa, depending on the effect you want to create. 

Color as has the power to trigger specific emotions. Marketing research has been done to show what color combinations work best together to create certain feelings. Companies pay millions of dollars to create ads that use these colors to get a specific response from consumers. If this idea works for big business, why not use these schemes in your garden setting to create the mood you want for your setting. This is also a good idea if you’re selling the house, use colors that will make the viewers want to buy!

To create the perfect garden setting, it is normal to focus on our favorite colors. Colors are great tools for creating a happy environment, instilling fond memories, or can even be used to create a relaxing and soothing retreat. Although colors have all of these powers, placing the wrong color in a setting, or using a color out of proportion to the rest, can actually create the exact opposite effect, leaving you feeling lousy. 

Understanding the colors and the emotions they invoke is a good place to start your design. The choices you make for your setting, especially if you live on a main road where the colors you choose affect everyone who drives by. Therefore, you can actually make the world a more beautiful place! Using ceramic garden planters, your can choose from a variety of colors for your garden. The color green is a big part of the color setting, different shades make up leaves, the grass, and trees. Brown is another important color in your garden setting, as bush and tree trunks come in this color. These are truly nature colors, and will be present whether you like them or not. Natural colors are calming and peaceful tones, they provide soothing backdrops for the colors you want to add. 

One of the most popular garden colors is pink. This color represents many things, from love to affection to playfulness. Pink pairs well with silvery tones. Pink creates a delicate feeling, not as bold as red, making it softer and sweeter. Meanwhile, Reds are very bold colors. These colors need to stay in balance for them not to look out of proportion. If this happens it can cause negative feelings. Blues foster calming feelings. They want you to sit back, put your feet up, and relax. Adding some bluw throughout the garden setting will bring feelings of tranquility, and help to ground the other colors. Be careful though, as too much blue can cause a depressing and gloomy mood. 

Oranges, Yellows, and Purples all look really great together. Oranges stimulate thought and creativity, adding interest to a setting, while yellow are a happy color, bringing freshness and joy. Using purple intermixed among these shades adds a unique focal point, while fostering feelings of wisdom. Purple is a spunky color, but too much will result in ruining the mood. 

White brings the feelings of tranquility and innocence. White can be paired with darker colors to create dramatic contrast. For a more tranquil feeling, pair white with softer pinks and yellows. Blacks and grays also have a place in the garden setting. Blacks are great backdrops for lighter colors, black needs to be used sparingly. Grays are great for decoration in the garden; mix it with pinks, lavenders, and whites!