
Actual Use of the Monte Cavallo

In 1900, Rodolpho Lanciani wrote of the basin, "I understood from what my father said that the carters working on Napoleon I's excavations in Campo Vaccino used to drive their vehicles across the fountain, to save themselves the trouble of washing the wheels during the summer heat." Proving that all of the rules and edicts in regards to the cleanliness of the fountains were, at time, upheld. These edicts included the prohibiting of "carriage drivers, donkey drivers, from daring to wash coaches, barrows or anything else, or washing or cleaning the wheels thereof anywhere near the fountain”.

The basin was then removed from the Temple of the Dioscuri in 1816 to its new home at the Piazza Monte Cavallo, where it will rest at the feet of the statue of Dioscuri themselves.  To honor the occasion, the municipal storerooms unearthed a stunning round baluster, one that in the past, stood beneath the basin when it was still near the Arch of Septimus Severus. This was the same baluster that Jacopa refused to place in his fountain at Campo Vaccino.  It was a fitting moment as the fountain was placed on its original support and set in the center of the wide circular pool protected by the ring of small posts. It was then when the inscription was added to the base of the obelisk that read,  "Pius VII Pont. Max. completed the unfinished part of this group, adding the basin and making the water pour forth. In the year 1818, the 19th of his pontificate."

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