
The Acqua Vergine of Florentine

Julius III, early on in his carrer, changed the direction of water in the Acqua Vergine. These were the first restored ancient aqueduct that were restored within Rome. He used them for the Vigna on the Via Flamini and on his wall fountains. Many cried out against their extreme detail and created a very large nearby fountain which was dedicated in 1552. This fountain still stands in the Via Flaminia and the Via di Villa Giulia today. Designed by Ammannati, this fountain has been recreated in two modern day replications. It is believed that these fountains may actually be recreations of the face of an ancient temple.

The columns on the Ammannati are discussed in great detail as well as the inscription located on the center. This inscription includes the name of Pope and the year it was decided. The names of the actual statues are located within the long square shapes on the statues. There are two statues that are located on the fountain, Rome and Minerva. To the left and the right statues of Felicity an abundance can be seen. Between two obelisks Neptune, with a trident, is centered over a granite basin and a large reproduction of the head of Apollo can be seen. These figures are ancient mythological figures. It is thought that these mythical creatures were carved by Ammannati. Neither the sculptures or fountains still remain and quote from Julius II has been removed and replaced by different quotes. The new quotes come from the various owners of the casino where the well fountain now lies. Additionally, another story was added above the original. A set of dolphins and a mask were added during the baroque time period. A prototype for the modern Roman facades, this was the first section of regal Roman wall fountains.


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